andar aane dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 29 One must have renounced common sense not to admit that we know nothing about the world through experience ( 2. admit graphs with or without 2 hours after g (cf 3. And we admit that the union of family is the basic unit of the hierarchy of groups and associations: it has been said that "in many ways, the organization of the family now appears as that of a exploded locally extended family 4. Applying quantitative rules on vocals and it notes Group accents; we could admit that the weak syllables can have several notes and syllables strong one 5. As everything is reducible to sensations, it is legitimate to admit the existence of temporal forms of sensations (Zeitempfindungen, Zeitgestalten) and sensations of spatial forms (Raumempfindungen, Raumgestalten)

Given are the examples of hindi word andar aane dena usage in english sentences. The examples of andar aane dena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., admit.

The great prose-writers of the world may not admit it, but my conviction grows stronger day after day that prosewriting is not and cannot be the true pursuit of a genius.

You must admit that, and I should not be surprised if the sheriff would like to have something to say in the matter.
What a weight off my shoulders, ouf! But, still you will admit now that Guess is worse than Squeezer.
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